The here
package keeps directory structures sane. For what we will be doing, most of our calls with ‘here’ take the form: something <- read_something(here("directory", "filename"))
try1 <- read_csv(here("data", "dat.csv")) #read in raw data from 'data' folder
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
## philadelphia harrisburg
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 4
## 2 2 5
## 3 3 6
You need the readr
package for this feat of greatness. remember to link to the ‘raw’ path.
step1 <- ""
step2 <- read.csv(step1, header = T)
## PhiLaDeLPHia.PA HArriSburg.PA
## 1 1 4
## 2 2 5
## 3 3 6
Here I am just typing along and all of a sudden I encounter a link to our lab when all of a sudden I encounter Bradley Boemke’s ‘harrypotter’ package. To knit this miraculous little snippet you would include [Bradley Boemke's 'harrypotter' package](
Style the html output for text selections using inline css and metacharacters
1. **Bananas**
is printed as Bananas
2. *Bananas*
is printed as Bananas
3. <span style="color: #cc9900;font-size:30px">Bananas</span>
is printed as Bananas
Sample n-times from a specific range:
sample(x, size, replace = FALSE) where x is a range
dat <- sample(40:60, 10, replace = T) #sample integers between 40-60, 10 observations, with replacement
## [1] 48 43 40 42 53 40 60 51 50 51
Don’t worry about setting a seed here.
Samp1 <- sample(letters[1:5], 10, replace = T) #sample letters between A and F, 20x with replacement
## [1] "e" "b" "c" "a" "d" "b" "a" "b" "c" "c"
Samp2 <- sample(letters[1:26], 26, replace = F) #sample letters A to Z, 26x no replacement
## [1] "u" "p" "a" "i" "j" "d" "y" "c" "k" "z" "m" "e" "t" "h" "v" "r" "l" "g" "n"
## [20] "o" "x" "q" "f" "w" "b" "s"
set.seed(123) #stri_rand_strings(n, length, pattern = '[A-Za-z0-9]')
weird <- stri_rand_strings(20, sample(3:7), pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9;#$*@!]") #generate 20 strings between lengths 3-7 characters composed of any of the characters in this regex
## [1] "sVPxO" "eW2t" "A$Gwsfb" "zcgUYD" "6xt" "em#Qj" ";F@5"
## [8] "MMJ65@P" "Cq*Om4" "W;4" "jsJd2" "KCnO" "nnmNjag" "!Q;JZH"
## [15] "3Ad" "Ml2Ny" "ss74" "cHcF8l2" "PSYGRw" "Qsu"
rnorm(n-samples, mean, sd) returns a sample of random normally distributed numbers
samp1 <- rnorm(20, 100, 2) #10, mean=100, sd=2
## [1] 100.55205 97.90205 98.95826 103.24641 97.85986 103.37177 99.51662
## [8] 99.06360 98.45404 104.29984 97.33129 100.99174 102.46795 101.26872
## [15] 100.82404 101.58717 99.69518 99.54221 98.19842 98.52995
# tbd
Some fake data. Create a new column that represents each observation minus the previous observation
a <- data.frame(stuff = sample(1:100, 30))
lagged <- a %>% mutate(diff = stuff - lag(stuff, 1)) #Subtract the previous observation from each new observation
## Rows: 30
## Columns: 2
## $ stuff <int> 31, 79, 51, 14, 67, 42, 50, 43, 97, 25, 90, 69, 57, 9, 72, 26, …
## $ diff <int> NA, 48, -28, -37, 53, -25, 8, -7, 54, -72, 65, -21, -12, -48, 6…